Cool Cakes

Here are some cool cake projects as of recently! It is the season of celebrating the people we love & the things that they love about life!

Book Cake

Maria loves writing! In this cake, each line of the page is individually marked using a ruler and the back of a paring knife, then pages airbrushed. The letters on the pages are hand painted using food colouring and a fine-tipped paintbrush. The ink jar is sculpted from modelling chocolate, and the feather from gumpaste:

Book CakeGumpaste Feather

Open Book Cake

Edible FigureGumpaste Figure

iPad Cake

Elma loves her iPad! In this cake, the iPad is made from a hard chocolate interior, which was then covered in gumpaste. Scrabble is one of her favorite games, so they kindly sent an image with the message written as the Scrabble letters. The image was then printed onto edible photo paper, using food colouring. The cake is covered in lime green fondant, the same colour as Elma’s case:

Edible iPad
Chocolate iPadiPad Cake

First Birthday Cake

It’s Tristan’s first birthday! The ball is sculpted out of cake – layers of cake are stacked, then carved from all angles to form a ball. The number one is made using modelling chocolate and gumpaste. The “torn” pieces of fondant were attached after, and blended in:

First Birthday Cake
Ball Cake

Cowboy Boot Cake

And last but not least, Erin loves shoes! Here are photos of the original boot, used as a reference. The embroidery on the boot was created using piped royal icing and the brush embroidery technique, then hand-painted using various shades of royal blue.  The stitching along the seams was created using a quilting tool:

Cowboy Boot CakeShoe Cake

How to cut cakeCake Slice

12 thoughts on “Cool Cakes

  1. Hello Rose, can you tell me what you use as the base to form the bottom part of the boot? What is the base? And what technics you use to make the shoe on the bottom look like wood? Awesome day I want to work like you, so beautiful and clean work. I’m a fan.

      • Hi, LOVE your boot cake (and every other one)!!!
        I clicked on the link you listed for the other person asking about how you made the base, and it didn’t have anything I could look up/at on it.
        Any tips about someone could achieve a boot base like yours? Thanks!

  2. Thank you Rose! I am trying to make it this Friday, I will send you pics. Thank you very much, you are an inspiration to me.

    Yamila Izquierdo

  3. Pingback: Elegant Cakes – Sunday Sweets: Into The West

  4. that would be great! That’s exactly what I wanna do for my mom’s birthday in 3 weeks but I really dont know how to put the cake on the boot and then cover it. cake u PLEASE post a video on how u do that? That would be SO great!!!
    Your cakes are awesome!

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